We recognize the fundamental role that volunteers and volunteerism play in building a strong, considerate, and vibrant community. The DRBIPA Board of Directors and Park Ambassador team are a group of individuals who love the parks. We come from all walks of life and have different interests within the parks, but we all share a desire to ensure these green spaces endure for generations to come.
Those wishing to volunteer with DRBIPA can join our Park Ambassador team in order to take part in fun annual events like the Bedford Channel Paddle and attend environmental stewardship events to restore and conserve areas of the parks. Park Ambassadors complete scheduled environmental stewardship activities in Derby Reach and Brae Island Regional Parks and participate in DRBIPA community events in the Fort Langley area.
If you have any questions about volunteering with us at DRBIPA before completing the Volunteer Enrolment Form, please review the DRBIPA Volunteer Handbook or contact our Volunteer Coordinator.
Join our amazing team!
Park Ambassadors work on special conservation projects in the parks such as helping to plant new shrubs to stop erosion on Brae Island and pull out ivy that is climbing trees and smothering native plants on the forest floor. Volunteers can help out at events, provide trail etiquette tips to trail users, complete conservation projects, contribute posts to the nature blog, and so much more!
Fill out our DRBIPA Park Ambassador enrolment form HERE.
Park Ambassadors provide support as directed by the Volunteer Coordinator by joining one or more of four key teams:
Stewardship & Conservation
groups of DRBIPA Park Ambassadors work to preserve and maintain the ecological health of Derby Reach and Brae Island Regional Parks at scheduled events. Volunteers restore degraded habitats, remove invasive species, salvage conifer saplings, plant native species, conserve the centenarian heritage orchards, participate in other enhancements as needed, and support our Langley Bog Restoration Committee
support Metro Vancouver Regional Park stewardship initiatives and work parties in the Derby Reach and Brae Island Regional Parks
Public Education & Communications
foster appreciation for the natural wonders of our parks by leading expert guided nature walks as a biologist/ecologist or by writing blog posts on our nature-themed DRBIPA blog
provide education and trail etiquette tips in pairs on the trails at Derby Reach and Brae Island Regional Parks to help others learn about DRBIPA and our role in protecting the parks
Community Outreach & Events
support DRBIPA with development and marketing of events that promote DRBIPA while enriching the social and personal lives of community members
assist DRBIPA at community events with setup, takedown, and event operations (ie: Heritage Apple Day, the AGM, and the Bedford Channel Paddle)
Fundraising & Development
support DRBIPA in developing new fundraising initiatives and assist with ongoing fundraising activities
work with DRBIPA on projects that unite multiple organizations in the Derby Reach, Brae Island, and Fort Langley areas, connecting with other community groups to promote our unique heritage, create conservation awareness, and raise project funding